Texas Fantasy Sports Alliance Applauds Bipartisan Stand to Protect Texans’ Right to Play Fantasy Sports

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HB-1457 texas fantasy sports

Rep. Richard Raymond Files HB-1457 to Affirm the Legality of Fantasy Sports in Texas

AUSTIN – Representative Richard Peña Raymond (D-Laredo) today filed HB-1457 to clarify and affirm the legality of fantasy sports in Texas, which is played by more than four million Texans each year. Representative John Kuempel (R-Seguin), Representative Rodney Anderson (R-Grand Prairie), and Representative James White (R-Hillister), and Representative Abel Herrero (D-Robstown) joined Raymond as joint authors of HB-1457.

The Texas Fantasy Sports Alliance (TFSA), a coalition of sports fans, champions of free markets and limited government, consumer activists and Texas residents, commends Representatives Raymond, Kuempel, Anderson, White, and Herrero for calling on the legislature to ensure Texans may continue playing the fantasy sports games they love.

Scott Dunaway, spokesman for TFSA said, “TFSA applauds Rep. Raymond for proposing legislation that clarifies the right of Texans to play fantasy sports, while also providing consumer protections, and allowing this growing industry to prosper in Texas. We are confident the legislature will follow their lead by affirming the legality of this extremely popular leisure-time activity.”

“HB-1457 will clarify a confusing and ambiguous law and affirm that fantasy sports are legal in Texas,” said Rep. Raymond.  “The government should not be limiting the freedom of Texans to participate in fantasy sports contests, which are clearly a game of skill, not chance.”

Representative Kuempel added, “I am proud to support legislation that protects Texans’ right to participate in fantasy sports contests, while preventing unnecessary government involvement in Texans personal lives and pocketbooks.”

According to Ted Kasten, founder of DraftAnalyzer.com, a fantasy sports information provider based in Austin and a board member of the Fantasy Sports Trade Association, “Texas has been a major beneficiary of the fantasy sports industry. Over a dozen fantasy-sports related businesses are headquartered here in Texas. I look forward to supporting Reps. Raymond, Kuempel, Anderson, White, and Herrero as they work to protect an industry that is not only enjoyed by millions, but is also a growing source of jobs and revenue for our great state.”

More than 65,000 Texans from across the state have already contacted their legislators, requesting the law to be clarified and their right to play fantasy sports affirmed.


The Texas Fantasy Sports Alliance (TFSA)is a coalition of sports fans, champions of free markets and limited government, consumer activists and Texas residents who believe Texans have the right to play the fantasy sports games they love. TFSA is supported by more than 65,000 Texas fantasy sports players. 


Media Contact

Scott Dunaway, Texas Fantasy Sports Alliance




Alison Vickers, Texas Fantasy Sports Alliance

